Tax Accounting Services

Tenuta scritture contabili

The complex and subdivided structure of the Italian tax system forces taxpayers to place their trust in professional tax experts. It is not just limited companies and partnerships, but also individuals that find they have to deal with issues related to tax on a daily basis. This includes the requirements relating to the correct submission of annual tax returns.

Thanks to the specific skills of its own professionals as well as a significant array of computer systems and suitable software, Studio Bocca is capable of offering appropriate assistance with regards to both direct taxation (Income Tax of Individuals, Corporate Income Tax, Regional Tax on Productive Activities etc.) and indirect taxation (VAT, Registration etc.).

The regulations are constantly changing as there are new laws introduced by the State and amendments made by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). It is therefore a must for Studio Bocca to provide its clients with updates through circulars and newsletters that are both thorough and clear even to those not involved in the industry.

As a result of the changes in regulations, tax planning assumes a particularly relevant role. This also includes the need for in-depth analysis if the business owner finds himself having to deal with business transactions or investments where the aspect of tax is of fundamental importance for a positive outcome of the activity. More frequently tax issues determine the viability of a business deal, regardless of whether it is a financial, business or share-related transaction.

In short, appropriate tax management is now an essential part of effective business management.

The Italian Revenue Agency and Customs and Excise (Guardia di Finanza) can summon the taxpayer to assist with any type of enquiry, ranging from checks by civil servants to potential litigation cases.

The professionals at Studio Bocca can help the client put all necessary measures into place to protect their rights by taking action in the tax offices rather than the tax commission, such as requests for re-examination under the system of self-defence, verification with acceptance, tax conciliation, settlements and appeals.

Thanks to the proven experience of its team, which is used to working closely with notaries, law firms and payroll consultants, Studio Bocca is capable of dealing with the different demands of businesses in a prompt and precise manner. As a result of this, it offers effective and completely personalised advice.

Studio Maurizio Bocca - Commercialisti - Revisori contabili - Avvocati

  • Sede di Milano: Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, 1 - Milano - Tel. +39 02.5510920

  • Sede di Roma: Via Slataper, 9 - Roma - Tel. +39 06.80693090 - Partner Dott. De Maio Generoso

  • Sede di Napoli: Via G. Orsi, 13 - Napoli - Tel. +39 081.19851123 - Partner Dott. Ambrosio Gennaro

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Studio Maurizio Bocca - Accountants - Auditors - Lawyers

  • Milano Sites: Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, 1 - Milano - Tel. +39 02.5510920

  • Roma Sites: Via Slataper, 9 - Roma - Tel. +39 06.80693090 - Partner Dott. De Maio Generoso

  • Napoli Sites: Via G. Orsi, 13 - Napoli - Tel. +39 081.19851123 - Partner Dott. Ambrosio Gennaro

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P.Iva 10584610157 |  CIE SRL: 1385863