Statutory auditing of the accounts

Revisione legale dei conti

Statutory auditing is disciplined by the Legislative Decree n. 39 of 2010 and follows directives from the European community. The auditing is subject to stringent quality standards and frequent controls. Businesses therefore need to approach competent and specialized firms, such as Studio Bocca when, whether by law or by choice, they decide to entrust legal control of the accounts to a board of statutory auditors or to an individual auditor.

Statutory auditing refers to all of the procedures that are capable of providing shareholders or partners with a sufficiently high level of trust in the credibility of the book value and voluntary disclosures. As a result of this, the auditor is required to be professional, ethical, independent and responsible.

In order to carry out the auditing, the company turns to a statutory auditor or an accountancy firm that periodically checks the accounts and approves them. So that the process is of legal value, the auditor has the right to access all the book-keeping documents and his opinion is provided through an appropriate report that is written before the balance sheet is approved and is discussed by the partners at relevant meetings. It is easy to understand how these steps are necessary when the partners want to protect the business and be certain of the accounts, so that they can take the correct decisions during shareholders meetings.

Statutory auditing of the accounts: the importance of statutory auditors

In order to guarantee accurate and reliable auditing, it is vital to approach experts from the profession who are able to carefully examine the accounts and identify any possible inconsistencies. All statutory auditors are required to be registered to the roll of professional auditors and they can do this providing that they hold the necessary qualifications as required by the current law.

A high level of professionalism is required as any possible negligence is attributed to the auditors. This highlights the importance of this role within the business and this is decided at a company meeting. Careful selection of the person who will take care of the statutory auditing of the business accounts and checks to ensure that they have the necessary qualifications as required by European regulations is fundamental.

Thanks to the proven experience of its team, which is used to working closely with notaries, law firms and payroll consultants, Studio Bocca is capable of dealing with the different demands of businesses in a prompt and precise manner. As a result of this, it offers effective and completely personalised advice.

Studio Maurizio Bocca - Commercialisti - Revisori contabili - Avvocati

  • Sede di Milano: Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, 1 - Milano - Tel. +39 02.5510920

  • Sede di Roma: Via Slataper, 9 - Roma - Tel. +39 06.80693090 - Partner Dott. De Maio Generoso

  • Sede di Napoli: Via G. Orsi, 13 - Napoli - Tel. +39 081.19851123 - Partner Dott. Ambrosio Gennaro

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Studio Maurizio Bocca - Accountants - Auditors - Lawyers

  • Milano Sites: Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, 1 - Milano - Tel. +39 02.5510920

  • Roma Sites: Via Slataper, 9 - Roma - Tel. +39 06.80693090 - Partner Dott. De Maio Generoso

  • Napoli Sites: Via G. Orsi, 13 - Napoli - Tel. +39 081.19851123 - Partner Dott. Ambrosio Gennaro

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